Pet Rescue Club A new Home for Truman

Animal-crazy Janey can't have any pets of her own because of her father's severe allergies. Her overly-indulgent parents try to make it up to her by giving her everything else she wants including the latest model tablet computer. So Janey uses the tablet to create a blog where kids can post cute photos of their dogs and cats. When Janey starts a blog where people can share cute pet photos and stories she never imagines she'll receive a heartbreaking photo of a skinny abandoned dog. Janey isn't sure what to do so her friends Lolli and Adam get involved to try to help the poor creature. They also enlist hyper Zach from their class at school. He might be annoying but his mom is a vet who works with the local animal shelter. Can the four of them save the dog - and maybe start a pet rescue club to help other animals in need?
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